Saturday, February 4, 2012

More of the snowfall 2/2012

trees ready to break in the villa borghese

doesn't look like the villa borghese I know!

a snow man in largo santa susanna

moses fountain largo santa susanna

the army at work at the end of our street

We took a 2 hour walk in the villa borghese early in the morning. It was well worth it and I took way too many photos. It is still very cold and most sidewalks are full of frozen snow and really slippery.  Walking is difficult. And schools and public offices were closed fri/sat and will be closed again on Monday. It is quite something and the temperatures are amazingly low for Rome.


  1. Wow! Amazing photos. But what are you doing to that poor snowman?

    1. I was just trying to get more or less to his height. Don't really like that photo, wasn't supposed to be one of the ones I chose.

    2. Wow :) I love the second photo, looks like in the mountains when I'm skiing. Amazing! Is there still all this snow in Rome or has it melted?

  2. Love the pictures, at least the Graffiti
    is covered from the snow in the park,

  3. Beautiful photos! I'm so jealous.
